We the Sisters of the Redeemer continue to express sincere gratitude for the funding provided to provide education to the children of Kilidu-Kitere. This project of Kindergarten to continue until the primary school, has truly changed the thinking of the people of Kilidu. Now the people of Kilidu know the importance of education but also the importance of having quality and permanent homes. A lot of these things come from your kindness. We are very grateful for the encouragement of the children of this village.
We thank God that the primary school in Kilidu has 144 next year will has the first standard seven class. The pupils will be required to make final government examination. This year 11 children have completed the Kindergarten to enter the first-class next year in primary school
this will result to have 155 pupils in the school.
We are very grateful that our teachers can work happily and with dedication because of the certainty of their salaries.
People who don’t have enough basic needs in their lives, thank you for helping them and they appreciate your love by sharing what you have. Some money was used in St. Paul Majengo to help those people. The poor usually get food twice a month and during the feast of Christmas, they have food and clothing.
This year we had heavy rains so infrastructure and houses were severely damaged. So, there was the renovation of the teachers’ house and the Sisters’ house. So, some of your funding we used to restore solar power to the house of the Sisters.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your donation that helped to solve the problem of electricity power and finally hand pump also in Luagala formation house. We are very grateful for your generosity to make this possible. All people who are included in this area now are happy thankful. Thus, our responsibility remains to take care and keep them safe and in good condition so as to use them for long time. Thank you for that change of the situation from darkness to the lightness. We pray for you and all people who are working with you.